DirectFly Alto 912 TG

Gebraucht, 810 h TT, Letiště Vrátkov LKVRAT
Zum Festpreis:
66.640 €

Allgemeine Daten

Flugzeugtyp Ultraleichtflugzeug
Hersteller DirectFly
Modellbezeichnung Alto 912 TG
Baujahr 2008
Gesamtzeit 810 h TT
Motor 100 PS
Landungen 1.350 Stück
Zustand gebraucht
Unfall unfallfrei
Standort Letiště Vrátkov LKVRAT
Lagerung Hangar / Halle
Leergewicht 310,00 kg
MTOW 475,00 kg
Sitzplätze 2 (inkl. Crew)
Nächste JNP August 2025
Ablaufdatum Rakete Oktober 2024
Ablaufdatum Schirm Juli 2024


For sale ultralight aircraft registered and based in the Czech Republic, registration OK-NUR14, home airport Vrátkov LKVRAT. The aircraft is very pleasant and easy to fly. The aircraft has never been used in a flight school or an aircraft rental. It was mainly used for private flying.
It has been always serviced at Authorized Service. It has all valid approvals for flight. No major malfunctions during the entire operation. Full aircraft service history available, but there was never anything more than replacement of basic items during service (oil, plugs, rubber hoses and parts after 5 years, etc.).
For sale due to a replacement with a new aircraft, LSA category Sparker.
Aircraft data
Type - ALTO 912 TG
Manufacturer - Direct Fly s.r.o.
Year of manufacture - 2008
Engine - Rotax 912 ULS, 100 hp
Propeller – DM-PROP ground-adjustable, spare Woodcomp Constant Speed SR 3000 propeller available.
Rescue parachute - Galaxy
Total flight time is 810 hours for both airframe and engine
Total number of takeoffs and landings is 1 350.
MTOW - 475 kg
Fuel - 92 Litres
9/10, Color white-blue
Dynon Flight DEK-D-180
Transponder TQ Systems KTX2 - mode-S
Fuel level indicator
Electronic engine controller
Electric trimmer
Electric flaps
Radio IC-A220; 8,33 kHz
Headphones with active damping Bose A20 and Lightspeed


  • Variometer
  • Stallwarning
  • Wendezeiger
  • Transponder
  • Kurskreisel
  • Künstlicher Horizont
  • TCAS
  • GPS / Navigation
  • ELT
  • Uhr mit Sek.-Zeiger
  • IFR Ausstattung
Kontakt Martrin Uhlíř
Handy 00 420 724 146 604
Verkaufsart Komplettverkauf
Rechnung Ja, MwSt. ausweisbar
Eingestellt 17.09.2024
Impressionen 44.614
Aufrufe 662